Authority plans to construct 43 road projects this budget year

Addis Ababa, 20 November 2014 (WIC) – The Ethiopian Road authority says it is working hard to complete the construction of 43 road projects in this Ethiopian fiscal year. Communication Director with the Authority, Samson Wendemu told WIC that the authority plans to complete these projects so as to attain the Five Years’ Growth and Transformation plan (GTP).

The construction of the road projects will cover 2,787.5 kilometers of road, Samson said, adding that the majority of the building expenses are covered by the government and the rest is covered from donors and loans.Participations of local contractors and consultants in the road construction projects are increasing from time to time. According to Samsom, 31 of the projects are under construction by local and 12 of them by foreign contractors.

The completion of the road projects will link districts to districts, zones to zones, regions from regions and the country with neighboring countries, he said.The Ethiopia Road Authority totally plans to undertake the construction of 294 road projects with the annually allocated budget of 29.9 billion EB in this budget year.