Dr Tedros meets EU representative Ms. Federica Mogherini (Nov 20, 2014)

Dr Tedros, Minister of Foreign Affairs, held discussion with the European Union Foreign Affairs High Representative, Ms. Federica Mogherini in Copenhagen on Wednesday (November 19). Dr Tedros said Ethiopia appreciated the continued cooperation and the support provided by the European Union to help the country achieve development, democracy and good governance. The Minister said the good relations between Ethiopia and European Union member countries could be strengthened by boosting investment, trade, tourism and technical cooperation. He briefed Ms. Mogherini on the situation in South Sudan and Somalia. Dr Tedros said European Union support for Somalia should continue to enhance efforts to realize a developed, democratic and stable Somalia. He also noted that the comprehensive and inclusive IGAD-led peace talks on South Sudan were bringing the warring parties towards a resolution to their conflict. Ms. Mogherini welcomed Ethiopia’s commitment and efforts to realize a developed, secure and stable state in Ethiopia as well as provide for these benefits for the region, for Africa and more widely. She reiterated the EU’s commitment and support to the development of Ethiopia.