Premier Reiterates Government’s Commitment to Attracting Foreign Investment

Addis Ababa January 16/2015 Ethiopia will consolidate its efforts to attract foreign investors to the country, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said.

Speaking during the inauguration of Heineken’s brewery built with 110-million Euro yesterday, the PM said a sustained effort would be exerted to make the investment potential of the country attractive to foreign investors. The achievements registered so far are encourage, he added.

He further indicated that Ethiopia’s huge investment opportunities coupled with its rapid economic growth and abundant human resource attract foreign investments.

Hailemariam noted that huge companies like Heineken will have a great importance for the country in terms of job creation and supporting the overall economic growth.

The Prime Minister said the government has been playing big role in creating conducive environment to foreign investment by facilitating conditions for the allowing them to import raw materials free of tax.

Heineken International CEO, Jean-François van Boxmeer, on his part said Ethiopia’s rapid economic growth is a factor for the firm’s engagement in the country.

He said the factory will use local barely and support barely growers to improve their productivity through providing technological assistance.

The factory resting on 343 hectares in Addis Ababa has hired 280 employees.

The factory has a capacity to produce 84,000 bottles of beer and 300 barrels of draught beer in an hour, it was learned.

Heineken joined Ethiopia’s beverage industry 4 years ago by purchasing Harar and Bedele brewery factories.

Established some 150 years ago, the Netherlands-based Heineken runs 165 breweries in over 70 countries.
