Over 23 Million Voters Registered: NEBE

Addis Ababa January 20/2015 The number of voters registered during the past 10 days has jumped over 23 million, according to National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE). NEBE Public Relations Director, Demisew Benti, told ENA that 23,289,852 voters were registered up until Sunday, January 18, 2014. Of the total registered voters, close to 11.3 are female, he said. The registration shows the active participation of voters and the momentum should be kept until the final day of registration, February 12, 2015, the director stated. Some 35 million voters are expected to get registered for the May Election.

Source: http://www.ena.gov.et/en/index.php/politics/item/275-over-23-million-voters-registered-nebe#sthash.dDhywgfh.dpuf