Dr. Tedros: Ethiopia is appreciative of EU support to Ethiopia

On 29 January 2015, Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom held discussions with Dr. Nicholas Wescott, Managing Director of African Affairs of the European External Action Service, Alexander Rondos, Special Envoy of European Union to the Horn of Africa, and Ambassador Chantal Hebberecht, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Ethiopia. The focus was on the regional political and security situation and on ways to strengthen cooperation between Ethiopia and the European Union. Dr. Tedros emphasized that Ethiopia appreciated the EU’s support to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, one of the most vulnerable regions in the continent. He underlined the need to sustain this support to keep up the momentum of positive change. In regard to Somalia, Dr Tedros noted the remarkable progress made in consolidating fragile security situation with the removal of Al-Shabaab from a number of key strategic towns. He pointed out that, despite some hiccups, the building institutions and formation of regional states has shown encouraging progress. The Jubaland process, he said, is serving as a successful model for the South West Administration with indications that Central Somalia will follow suit. At the same time he stressed that the leadership of the Federal Government of Somalia needed to take practical steps to meet the goals of its Vision 2016. Dr. Tedros underlined that Ethiopia would continue supporting Somalia on the basis of the needs and priorities set by the Federal Government to realize a stable, secure and vibrant Somalia. Speaking on Eritrea, Dr. Tedros noted that the regime in Asmara remained determined to continue its policy of destabilizing the region. There had been no change in its behavior. He said: “Hosting rebels from neighboring countries, Eritrea has chosen the path of destruction rather than cooperation and mutual development”. He said it was imperative that the UN imposed sanctions to stop Asmara from disturbing the regional peace were fully implemented. Dr. Tedros also reiterated the urgent need to end the conflict in South Sudan and bring durable peace there. He said IGAD was continuing to work towards producing incremental changes, building on the agreed points of forming a national unity government in a manner that can provide a real solution. Mr. Wescott, noting Ethiopia’s important role in the regional peace and security efforts, also underlined the need for AMISOM to aggressively engage in removing the threat of Al-Shabaab altogether while accelerating the political process in Somalia. He said he shared the view that there was an urgent necessity to end the conflict in South Sudan he reaffirmed the European Union’s support to the IGAD-led mediation process. The EU delegation and Dr. Tedros also exchanged views regarding Ethiopia’s upcoming national election in May. Dr. Tedros explained that the pre-election process was on schedule and there had been impressive and substantial voter registration. He said the Government and the ruling party were taking all necessary measures to make sure that the election would be held in a manner that ensured widespread participation by the public and by all political parties.
Source: MFA