Dr Tedros meets Deputy prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Foreign Minister, Dr Tedros Adhanom met with Jean Asselborn, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg on the side lines of the 26th African Union Executive Council ordinary session on , Tuesday, January 27, 2015 in Addis Ababa. Dr Tedros explained that Ethiopian government formulated right mix of policies, strategies and programs to bring sustainable socio-economic and political development and has been relentlessly working to achieve middle income status by 2025. The Minister noted that Ethiopia and Luxembourg could work more in the areas of trade, investment and social affairs to consolidate the existing bilateral cooperation. Dr Tedros also briefed Jean Asselborn on the current situation in south Sudan and Somalia. He said the situation in Somalia is going on right track since last two years in improving peace and security, rebuilding institutions and formation of regional states. He underlined that ensuring lasting peace should be given due attention in Somalia because without peace attaining development is impossible. He also pointed out that the crisis in south Sudan has reached critical level requiring a concerted action by the international community to end the conflict and bring durable peace. He said Ethiopia has been striving to settle the crisis through peaceful mechanisms within the IGAD-led mediation process. Regarding the Nile issue, Dr. Tedros said Ethiopia believes in fair and equitable usage of the Nile waters with all riparian countries in line with acceptable norms of international water laws, principles and norms.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg said that tremendous socio-economic and political progresses have been witnessed in Ethiopia. He also appreciated Ethiopia’s eminent role in realizing peace in the Horn of Africa. The minister noted that Ethiopia and Luxembourg should work more in the areas of aviation, trade and generally in economic cooperation. He said that Nile is very crucial resource to the development of the basin countries and underlined the need to foster cooperation for the mutual benefit of the peoples of the Nile Basin countries.