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The spokesperson of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia gives the Ministry’s biweekly press briefing
The spokesperson of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, H.E. Ambassador Dina Mufti, gave the Ministry’s biweekly press briefing on 15 April
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Ministries of Foreign and Water Affairs of Ethiopia brief African Ambassadors on GERD negotiations and Ethiopia-Sudan border dispute
  H.E. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Demeke Mekonnen and H.E. Minister of Water, Irrigation and
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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen meets EU Special Envoy Pekka Haavisto
H.E. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia held talks today (April 09) with Mr.
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H.E. Amb. Hirut Zemene holds a discussion with Honourable Witold Jan Waszczykowski
H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene held a discussion with the Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) of the European Parliament,
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Press Release on the Trilateral Negotiations on the GERD
06 APRIL 2021 Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo === The Foreign and Water Affairs Ministers of Ethiopia, Egypt, and
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Press Release: On the Media and alleged human rights violations and other crimes committed in Tigray
The international media have been busy reporting crimes of all sorts of nature in the Tigray region since the beginning
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Letter to the Editor of DeMorgen
Dear Editor in chief, De Morgen First, we would like to express our appreciation for the interest a media outlet
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The spokesperson of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia has presented the Ministry’s biweekly press briefing
The spokesperson of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, H.E. Ambassador Dina Mufti, has presented the Ministry’s biweekly press briefing today (29
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H.E. Ato Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance of Ethiopia, meets with H.E. Eamon Gilomor, EU Special Representative for Human Rights
On March 25, 2021, H.E. Ato Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance of the Federal Democratic Republic of #Ethiopia, met with
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On Discussions with President Isaias Afwerki
  On November 4, 2020 the TPLF criminal clique treasonously attacked the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Force
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